Our team has more than 11 years experience in delivering beautiful reports and supporting our customers long-term growth.
About us
Team with complementary skills
LabToWellness is a team of wellness enthusiasts, scientists, designers and IT-engineers. We work passionately towards making the health and wellness information delivered from laboratories, clinics, pharmacies and wellness centers easier to understand and more engaging for patients and wellness oriented people.
Long-term relationships with customers
LabToWellness team truly cares about its customers and is happy to be a part of a long joint journey. Open relationships with its customers allow LabToWellness to understand the actual challenges and tailor the solutions to match the needs.
Focus on expertise and technology around patient reporting
We are seeking long-term relationships with our customers who can rely on us to be their partners on all things concerning presentation of information and automatisation of the related processes. The experience we have accumulated over the past 8 years from seeing what works and what does not, gives us in a unique advantage.
Pipeline of innovations around design, content and technology
LabToWellness team is constantly working on improving the designs for the reports. Content we write is focusing on simplification of complex information. The database with test descriptrions, recommendations and ohter related information is growing. Although the current technological platform is already very capable, our engineers are adding new features on a regular basis. We think long-term and are a reliable, efficient, innovation driven partner for our customers.
LabToWellness core team
Indrek Kask, MSc, MBA
Indrek has a basic education in biotechnology and biomedicine, followed by Masters degree in molecular diagnostics and complementary MBA degree in entrepreneurship and technology management. He worked more than 10 years in various positions in molecular diagnostics laboratory. Indrek is a founder of biotechnology companies as well as active in non-profit education oriented organisations.
Silja Laht, PhD
Silja has always been curious about how the world operates. She has a MSc in genetics and PhD in bioinformatics. She worked in different biotechnology companies as a researcher investigating different questions. More recently she has found an interest in service and UX design focusing her curiosity on how people do things and how to help them do better.