Beautiful and and easy-to-create company summary reports for your occupational health offering
Occupational health checkups provide valuable insights for both employees and employers, helping to improve work environments over time. LabToWellness offers occupational healthcare providers a flexible platform to create customized, branded reports from aggregated data. The cloud-based platform allows for parameter selection and custom content creation.
Complete branding of the reports: custom cover-page design, backgrounds, colour schemes
Custom selection of parameters: LabToWellness Clients can customize their reports by selecting the most relevant metrics. This ensures that the information provided is directly applicable to make informed decisions about their work environment.
Visual Representation of the key data: selected metrics can be illustrated on a variety of charts
Doctors’ summaries: Special areas inside the reports can be created to accommodate written notes from doctors. Creating doctors’ notes can also be partly automatized with help of pre-established algorithm-driven templates
Comparisons with previous years: Compare the metrics on charts with previous years to see the trend and monitor the effectiveness of the workplace improvement measures.
Specific content for specialized companies: All or some of the content to be added to the report might be different across business sectors to better
LabToWellness provides the option to develop two versions of the .pdf file based company summary report: one for reading and another as 16:9 presentation slides. Both versions have the same design, logic, and content, while the presentation version is less text-heavy.
This future-proof reporting solution is completely independent and does not need to be linked to any specific patient management system, lab information platform, or hospital IT platform. LTW provides an Excel template to be filled in and uploaded for automatic reporting.