Flexible database-based reporting to include any combination of lab tests and health examinations to the patient reports

Laboratories, Clinics and Wellness centers have services that are mostly based on fixed packages of measured health parameters. Sometimes there is a need to add a few extra analyses to the standard package or remove a few. Creating new packages regularly based on the feedback from patients is a great way to innovate. All this is made easy by LabToWellness due it's flexible and scalable database based report development platform.

LabToWellness reports can combine various types of health and wellness data

  • Laboratory blood test results

  • Laboratory urine test results

  • Anthropometric measurements (height, weight, etc.)

  • Medical measurements (blood pressure, ultrasounds, ECG, etc)

  • Questionnaire results

  • At-home quick test results

  • Results from various machines (full-body analyzers, etc.)

Setting up the database for reporting

The core of LTW reporting platform is the database of parameters to be included in the reports. For each parameter defined fields are filled in the database. The exact data required for a given parameter may be different depending on the parameter type. Content of some fields is displayed in the report (parameter name, description), others are needed for interpretation.

  • Parameter name

  • Parameter description or interpretation texts

  • Unit and reference values for tests and measurements with numerical results

  • Result or answer variants (for tests with non-numerical values and questions) 

  • Interpretation - what is normal and what is not. Usually derived from reference values, but sometimes needs defining by Client.

Database can contain all the texts in multiple selected languages. Additional language translations can be added when needed.

Database itself can be regularly updated with new data (tests, measurements, etc.). LTW will coordinate this upon request from the Client. 

Translations to multiple languages can be easily managed

It is essential to have the reports in the languages of the target audience. LTW has made it easy to add additional languages for reports. Once the core language, which is usually English, has been implemented LTW can extract excel files for translation. Once translation is completed by Client, LTW will configure the system for the new language(s). Additional languages can be added later.

Create reports with endless combinations of parameters

Once the database is ready and designs are configured by the LTW development team, reports can be generated for any subset of the parameters in the database. One report can contain one parameter and the next all the parameters in the database. As a standard, all the parameters you provide results for are presented in the report. With the current default design layouts the maximum number of different groups presented on the patient summary page is 15 and maximum number of parameters is 100.


Patient focused lifestyle recommendations for LabToWellness reports